At the garden centre yesterday, I had a complaint.Here’s the gripe. I went in thinking about the barren looking potting shelf and empty pot by our front door; how I’d make it look all…Oct 23, 2024Oct 23, 2024
“Are you alright Love?”The historic city of York. The pace of Leeds and the passionate Elland Road fans. The beauty of the Dales. The east with its beautiful…May 19, 2023May 19, 2023
What we commonly call loveA few years ago, an Italian singer called Max Pezzali sang a song called ‘Quello che comunemente noi chiamiamo amore’ which translates as…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
How to keep picking the book upI’ve stopped reading the bible. Not forever. What I mean is I keep on stopping.Jan 31, 20231Jan 31, 20231
New Year, New You?Here we go. 2023. The earth has completed another trip around the sun, following its orbit. Probably you’ve finished celebrating too and…Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023
Family, Vuvuzelas and ChurchThere is a saying that recites something like ‘family meets up only at weddings and funerals.’ Now, I don’t know whether this is totally…Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
Autumn leavesAutumn is upon us. You’ve caved and turned the heating on, left the house only to come rushing back for your coat, noticed the warm air…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
Time travelling and Ecclesiastes“In what place and during what historical era would you like to live?”Sep 19, 2022Sep 19, 2022
PrayerSometimes it’s hard to know where to start with prayer. It can be awkward… you know when you’ve left it a while… it leaves you tip toeing…Jul 15, 20221Jul 15, 20221